Following the loss of his sight and becoming obsolete at the puppy factory, the father dog was forsaken. Nevertheless, fate has a penchant for concealing its most delightful surprises

Benki was abandoned in Lara, Venezuelaon 05 Nov. He was blind and had lost his right back leg. Benki also displayed symptoms of sexual abused which frequently happens with male canines from ‘puppy farm or puppy mill’. Meaning mother/ father dog be abandoned when no longer ‘productive’ in creating money.

In Benki’s instance they could blind him to avoid he run back, then something hit him and sliced his right back leg off. Fortunately X-ray indicates no serious internal injuries but Benki had severe emotional impact,a that’s big concern.

Not use to be blind,he got lost quickly and wailed so hard, the Vet attempted to calm him down by chatting with him a lot. The nice news is he’s a clever developed dog.

His feeling also improved a lot after a week in refuge. He can determine speech direction in roughly 10 training days. He’s perfectly regular dog now. Benki gained weight a lot owing to lack of exercise. yet his foster is trying his best to make him feel ‘secure’ now.

Encourage him move down and up in shelter’s stairs and provide him limitless of love. He is still progress of finding him a new permanent love home.

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