Touching scene: After years of being apart on the battlefield, the happy dog runs to its owner, bringing tears to the eyes of millions of people.

Dogs may not be able to express their emotions through words, but their actions speak volumes about how much they love and miss their owners. The heartwarming reunions captured in these videos are a testament to the strong bond between dogs and their human companions.

Whether it’s the excitement of seeing their owner after months of separation, the joy of being reunited with their mother or father, or the simple pleasure of welcoming their daddy home after a long day at work, these dogs show us the depth of their love and loyalty.

Some of the reunions are especially poignant, like the deaf dog who can’t hear but still knows that his mother is near, or the lost puppy who finally finds her way back to her mother’s arms. And then there’s the dog who can’t control his steps after three weeks apart from his mother, or the one who can’t stop urinating with excitement at the sight of his owner.

But what all of these reunions have in common is the overwhelming joy that both dogs and owners feel when they are reunited. As one video shows, the fatigue of a working day can be completely erased by the sight of a beloved pet eagerly waiting to give a warm welcome.

It’s easy to forget how much our dogs miss us when we’re away, but these emotional reunions are a powerful reminder that our pets are always waiting for us to come home. So the next time you leave your dog for an extended period of time, remember to give them an extra hug and let them know how much you love them. After all, there’s nothing quite like the unconditional love of a faithful dog.

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